Las Juanas_peliplat
Las Juanas_peliplat

Las Juanas (1997)

None | Colombia | Spanish |
Directed by: Toni Navia

A delightful story ensues when the five illegitimate daughters of Don Calixto Salgero - all from different mothers and all named Juana - arrive in the town of Corosal to be near their father and their brother, the gorgeous but shy Ruben Salgero. Juana Valentina is the oldest, impulsive, passionate and the prettiest of them all. Juana Caridad, the "nun," is sweet, quiet and very religious. Juana Bautista has a gypsy bent and is very spiritual and wise. Juana Manny is a born fighter, athletic and aggressive. Juana Matilde, the youngest, is charming, scatterbrained and loves to sing. Dona Salgero, the mortified wife of Calixto, does not know what to do to get these "bastards" out of Corosal. But with the help of her nephew, the buffoonish Manuel F., she schemes to make their lives impossible. And things only get worse when she begins to suspect that her son, Ruben, has fallen in love with one of his sisters.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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