Axel Nort_peliplat
Axel Nort_peliplat

Axel Nort (1966)

KT/EA (BE) | Belgium | Dutch | 30 min
Directed by: Senne Rouffaer, Bert Struys

The story begins when Nora Pintens buys an electric heater which works as a radio receiver for the local radio station. She is kidnapped for that electric heater and Axel Nort, a private detective starts an investigation. He gets help from criminology student Dirk Talboom, who is also the son of the Chief of Police. Together they start an exciting quest for answers and quickly they find out that they are facing a dangerous group of international diamond smugglers. Mysterious messages, hidden clues, explosions and high speed chases; more than once is Axel Nort faced with danger and mystery. But during the search they get regular help from a mysterious lady with a headscarf, although she is actually working for the criminal gang. Later they find out that she is trying to save her husband Filip, who is being held by Dilbert, the leader of the group. In an exciting finale in the Ardennes, Filip can be saved and Dilbert can be captured so that this adventure comes to an end for Axel Nort and his friends.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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