Nunca Digas Adeus_peliplat
Nunca Digas Adeus_peliplat

Nunca Digas Adeus (2001)

None | Portugal | Portuguese |
Directed by: Atílio Riccó, Jorge Soares Carvalho, Aloysyo Filho

Vera de Almeida Barreto highlights her choices as a woman dedicated to family, sacrificing herself to support her husband's career and raise their three children. Upon discovering Lourenço's affair with lawyer Daniela Lopes (Rita Salema), a younger woman, Vera reevaluates her life, questioning her role as a woman and facing a lack of support from her children in this challenging situation. The plot becomes even more complex when Vera falls in love with a younger man, challenging societal norms and exposing the double standards surrounding age differences in relationships.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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