Detstvo Nikity_peliplat
Detstvo Nikity_peliplat

Detstvo Nikity (1992)

None | Russia | Russian |
Directed by: Andrei Zelenov

This '92 Russian television-film was adapted from the nostalgic 1922 novel about Russian children by Aleksei Nikolaevich Tolstoi (1882-1945). The novel, inspired in part by the author's own little son Nikita Tolstoi, has been published in Russian plenty of times, always properly credited to the true author Aleksei N. Tolstoi -- who was NOT a close relative of the more famous writer Lev (Leo) Tolstoi. In fact, Lev-Leo Tolstoi had died back in 1910, a full decade before A. N. Tolstoi's book was published! It boggles the mind why various data-bases try to credit the literary source of "Detstvo Nikity (Nikita's Childhood)" to the wrong Tolstoi. Following is authentic bibliographical data on the '22 edition. -------------- www.vialibri.net/item_pg/911230.htm TOLSTOI, Aleksei: Povest' o Mnogikh Prevoskhodnykh Veshchakh (Detstvo Nikity). 161pp Gelikon, Moscow - Berlin 1922. *Inscribed by both the author & his son [Nikita], the subject of the book, to Salomeia Andronikova. The inscriptions read: 'Miloi Salomee Nikolaevne- Solomochke s nezhnoi druzhboi. A. Tolstoi 20 apr.1922g. Berlin.' & 'Miloi Salomee Nikolaevne ot passivno prichastnogo k etoi knige Nikity Tolstogo, s glubokoi simpatiei. N. Tolstoi. 29 iyun' 1961, London'. An edition of 100 numbered copies with cover design by Masyutin." [Bookseller: Anthony C. Hall]

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