The Complete History of U.S. Wars 1700-2004_peliplat
The Complete History of U.S. Wars 1700-2004_peliplat

The Complete History of U.S. Wars 1700-2004 (2004)

None | USA | English | 27 min
Directed by: Scott Gordon

All U.S. military engagements during the period of 1700-2004. The French, English, Spanish, and Native Americans vied for control on the North American continent beginning in the 1700's. The Americans had to become self-reliant on themselves as their mother country wasn't going to help them. In the process, America became a world power of her own. The American will to protect themselves, their land, freedoms, and any infringement upon them and even their families, drove Americans to excel in all areas of endeavor.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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