Sensing Murder_peliplat
Sensing Murder_peliplat

Sensing Murder (2006)

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Penny Fearon, Darcy Dennett, Luke Geissbuhler, Lisa Bloch, Mark Mori

Two of America's top psychics work with detectives to try to solve cold cases. Psychics Laurie Campbell and Pam Coronado team up with police from around the country on unsolved murder mysteries. The goal is for their psychic visions to give the detectives new leads in the hunt for the killers of innocent people. While their theories cannot be used as evidence in a court of law, detectives hope that they will bring fresh insight to cases. The psychics have no advance knowledge of the circumstances of the homicides but In each case they surprise the detectives with the accuracy of the detail in their visions. Armed with the new information, the detectives and the families of the victims appeal for viewers to come forward if the psychics' theories spark fresh memories that are worth further investigation.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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