Ways of the Heart_peliplat
Ways of the Heart_peliplat

Ways of the Heart (2007)

None | Brazil | Portuguese | 55 min
Directed by: Alexandre Avancini, Daniel Ghivelder, Hamsa Wood, Vicente Barcellos, Guto Arruda Botelho

Maria Luz (Bianca Rinaldi), a sweet, beautiful woman who works in a circus, is unfairly framed for killing the owner of one of the biggest chains of clinics in the country, Dr. Socrates Mayer (Walmor Chagas). Dr Julia (Ítala Nandi) works in the Progênese clinic. She secretly does genetic experiments with fertilized embryos to create modified human beings with supernatural powers, calling this The DNA Project. Years have gone by and this project has bred mutant children and teenagers with powers to read minds, superhuman agility, telekinesis, healing, enhanced vision, super speed, a werewolf boy, and a winged girl. Their families get scared of the special gifts and do everything they can to protect them from other people's judgments. The situation becomes critical when these mutant kids begin to be persecuted. Marcelo (Leonardo Vieira) is a federal marshal who is determined to protect Maria Luz against the unfair charges. He finds out about the DNA Project and dedicates himself to protecting the young mutants.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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