Love in the City_peliplat
Love in the City_peliplat

Love in the City (2003)

13 (CN) | China | Mandarin |
Directed by: Jiarui Zhang

Frustrated in love and career, Su La and Yan Ru Yu, graduates from a famous Shanghai university, find new jobs in the same travel agency. These two friends encourage each other, determined to open a new world of their own. Qiu Shi, a young Ceo meets Su La be chance and falls in love with her at the first sight, deeply attracted by her purity. He then tried every means to win her love. But Su La, out of dignity on one hand and fearing to be hurt in love again on the other, does not accept his lover and devotes to her new job. Facing the intense business competition, Yan Ru Yu sells out the travel agency's secret information and then puts the blame on Su La, which leads to her unemployment. Su La, not disappointed, opens a women's bar of her own with the help of her former colleagues. This bar attracts few customers at first but soon becomes prosperous. Learning that Su La is dedicated in appearance but firm in mind, Qiu Shi throws off his conceit and gives her a hand whenever necessary. they finally get married after a series of frustrations.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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