America: The Story of the US_peliplat
America: The Story of the US_peliplat
Play trailer

America: The Story of the US (2010)

M (AU) | USA | English |
Directed by: Marion Milne, Jenny Ash, Clare Beavan, Andrew Chater, Nick Green

A 6-night miniseries presenting the history of how the United States was invented, looking at the moments when Americans harnessed technology to advance human progress, from the rigors of linking the continent by transcontinental railroad to triumphing over vertical space through the construction of steel-structured buildings. The series also is a story of conflict, with Native American peoples, slavery, the Revolutionary War that birthed the nation, the Civil War that divided it, and the great world war that shaped its future.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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