
Nanolyubov (2010)

None | Russia | Russian | 47 min
Directed by: Mariya Kolokolova, Andrey Kuznetsov, Igor Voytulevich

A nanotech android - called Nana - was created on the orders of a terminally ill Russian oligarch who intends to use her as a business spying tool using her ability of mind-reading and ultimately as a body-host for his own dying body. Externally the android is a copy of a girl - Nina - whose images where randomly selected from the internet by a lab technician. Nana wants to be human-like in every way, with emotions and feelings and see the world through human eyes. She purges herself of the mind-reading function as it is not a human one and escapes the lab where she was created. A chance brings the two girls together; Nana makes new friends, but the search to return the android back to his owner is on.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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