The Annoying Orange_peliplat
The Annoying Orange_peliplat

The Annoying Orange (2009)

TV-PG (US) | USA | English | 4 min
Directed by: Dane Boedigheimer, Derek A. Gonzalez

Annoying Orange is, as his name suggests, a very annoying orange who's main way of entertaining himself is to make fun of other foods in the kitchen where he lives. Orange torments these fruits, veggies, etc. to no end, creating mean-spirited variations on everyone's name, cracking grueling puns, driving them crazy with his nonstop chatter. Only at the end of each episode, where the sudden death of each fruit is caused by a knife, do these poor edibles finally get relieved of their torture.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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