Crazy Love_peliplat
Crazy Love_peliplat

Crazy Love (2011)

None | USA | English | 10 min
Directed by: Anthony Rudolph

Crazy love follows the lives of six close friends who are searching for the right way to love. Careers, pride, lust, and insecurities taint their vision of love, and lead them to loving the wrong things. Jordan a successful Fund Manager, and his wife Monica a Doctor have been married for 5 years. They are both so wrapped up in their careers; they are losing touch with one another. Leah is Jordan's sister who is a police detective and is also involved in a lesbian relationship with her girl friend Jamie. Jordan does not approve of his sister choice in life, but loves her. Leah is fighting to find her true identity in life and not lose herself. Donna is Monica's best friend from collage, who is single and very promiscuous. Dealing with a recent divorce she goes from man to man looking for security and love that she feels she has lost. Maxwell is friends with Jordan, and new to the city. Maxwell is a struggling musician, with no concrete direction in life. He finds himself falling for Jordan's sister Leah. This is the story of six friends who love in a crazy way.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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