Are You Normal, America?_peliplat
Are You Normal, America?_peliplat

Are You Normal, America? (2012)

None | USA | English | 60 min

New game show that will help viewers figure out how normal (or not) they are! Have you ever peeked at your boyfriend's emails? Or done your household chores naked? Do you and your spouse sleep in separate bedrooms? In addition to ourselves, we also wonder about the people around us: boyfriends, girlfriends, co-workers and neighbors. This lively game show will answer our most burning questions by using a highly scientific and deeply revealing poll, in addition to a jury of real Americans, man-on-the-street polling, real life situations shot in the field and in-studio demonstrations. Each episode will feature contestants who will win big money in their quest to learn if they're normal or not.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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