Chevron Theatre_peliplat
Chevron Theatre_peliplat

Chevron Theatre (1952)

None | USA | English | 30 min
Directed by: Richard Irving, Bob Finkel, Robert G. Walker, Axel Gruenberg, Norman Lloyd

When a chamber in a mansion manifests a loud, eerie whistling, Carnacki is called to investigate. He makes an exceedingly thorough search of the room, but can find no explanation. He is still not convinced of the supernatural nature of the sound until he climbs a ladder outside and peers into the room through the window: the floor of the room itself is puckering like a pair of grotesque, blistered lips. He hears Tassoc, the mansion's owner, calling for help, and enters the room via the window.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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