Ja to mam szczescie_peliplat
Ja to mam szczescie_peliplat

Ja to mam szczescie (2012)

None | Poland | Polish | 25 min
Directed by: Sylwester Jakimow, Karol Klementewicz, Kinga Lewinska, Jan Kidawa-Blonski

The family is ruled by a firm Joanna, a nurse by profession. Her current husband Jerzy, totally devoted and in love to his ears, works as a developer. There are three children at home: Ela - Joanna's daughter from a previous relationship, teenage son of Jerzy and 8-year-old Zosia, daughter of Jerzy and Joanna. Jerzy's ex-wife and Joanna's ex-husband also take part in raising children. Grandparents also contribute their pennies: Joanna's parents and Jerzy's mother, full of temperament, loving life and - men. Such a mixture leads to many funny situations.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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