Poor Relatives_peliplat
Poor Relatives_peliplat

Poor Relatives (2012)

None | Russia | Russian |
Directed by: Roman Prosvirnin

USSR, post-war time. A huge tragedy happens to little Sima - her parents are declared 'enemies of the people' and repressed, and the girl is forced to leave Moscow. When Sima gets back at 17 to get to the university, she discovers that her room was given to a stranger. It doesn't go well with university either - they refuse to accept her because of the biography of her parents. Fortunately, Sima's landlady, shorthand typist Kira teaches the girl to type and gets her a job at a former party leader who wants to write a book. Soon Sima meets her first love - the girl loses her head over Kira's nephew, a handsome student of a drama school. And she was shocked when the guy robbed his aunt's apartment and disappeared without a trace. To her greater horror, Sima realizes that she is pregnant.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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