Dream of 400 Years_peliplat
Dream of 400 Years_peliplat

Dream of 400 Years (2011)

None | South Korea | Korean | 67 min

Kang Hee Sun is a professor at the Hanbaek Medical School who is called in when Jo Hyun Min, the owner of a traditional Korean house, finds a mummy preserved in a small room in the barn that was previously sealed off. The two of them feel a strange sense of recognition at their first meeting, which they put down to instant attraction until the series of bizarre occurrences that followed lead them to suspect that they may actually be deeply connected to the mummy's past. Hee Sun and Hyun Min's investigation reveals the tragic story of a pair of lovers who have torn apart 400 years ago, with a resulting misunderstanding spawning a centuries-long hatred.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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