Fork in the Socket_peliplat
Fork in the Socket_peliplat

Fork in the Socket (2013)

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Ryan Gaumont

FORK IN THE SOCKET follows Kevin, an advertising salesman, his relationship and career problems, and the eccentric life coach he hires to help him sort all of this out. Kevin is under pressure from his live-in girlfriend McKenzie to climb the corporate ladder at work so they can move into a nicer apartment downtown. He's also under pressure at work to be the star salesman of the company, which he no longer cares about. At the end of his rope, he hires a very eccentric life coach to solve his problems for him, only to find out that the life coach's mission seems to be to make everything worse than it was before. Kevin ends up at rock bottom with nowhere else to go but up.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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