The Dream-Naperz_peliplat
The Dream-Naperz_peliplat

The Dream-Naperz (2014)

None | USA | English | 30 min
Directed by: Romane Simon

Josiah wakes up in an all-white room and tries to determine if it is reality or a dream. He is visited by a other worldly girl who claims to be Angel, and tells him that he must stop a group of demons lead by a demon known as the Dream-Naper (played by Romane Simon). Angel wants to get Josiah to accept the spirit world, learn his powers and save a victim who the Dream-Napers have targeted as their next victim (played by a very talented eight year old girl-Chalet Lizette Brannan). Angelique decides to seek out the angel and experiment and learn how to use his powers to fight in the dream world. Will Josiah be able to stop the dream napers or will his soul be taken as well?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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