The Loft_peliplat
The Loft_peliplat

The Loft (2015)

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Yunus Shahul

The Loft is a character-driven dramedy series created by Natalie Faye. It follows a motley crew of struggling young creatives whose lives intersect in the illegal DUMBO loft apartment they share. Emily, a bright eyed and bushy tailed Midwestern girl, moves to New York to be an actress, armed only with two suitcases, bad headshots, and a closet full of skeletons. After falling for a classic Craigslist bait-and-switch, she finds herself living with Rosalie, a kleptomaniacal hippie and nympho; Cassius, a charming but meddlesome entrepreneur starting a new dating website; and Jane, a sneaky and self-obsessed lesbian fashion blogger with a plethora of first world problems. They are joined by Rosalie's bandmates - the morally ambiguous Sebastian and the freeloading Andrea, who stir up trouble and make themselves quite at home. The roommates and their unwanted guests find their lives increasingly intertwined as they hurtle towards the discovery that one in their midst is not what they seem.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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