The Barkers_peliplat
The Barkers_peliplat

The Barkers (2011)

TV-G (US) | Russia | Russian | 6 min
Directed by: Galina Voropay, Aleksey Sudakov

"Barboskins" is a Russian animated series about a large family of anthropomorphic dogs produced by the animation studio "The Mill," which also created the animated series "Luntik." "Barboskiny" are broadcast on TV channels "Carousel", "Tlum HD" and "Mult." Each episode (series) of the animated series has a plot that is independent of the other episodes and is connected with other plots by the unity of characters and the scene. The place of action is the city of Pesburg, where there is the Barboskins' apartment building, other premises of this house, and an adjoining territory with a playground. The plot of the animated series is built around the adventures of Rose, Boyfriend, Gena, Lisa, and Toddler Barboskinyh. It touches upon the themes of growing up, relationships between parents and children, moral and family values, and difficulties in communicating with peers and adults.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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