
Zadruga (2017)

None | Serbia | Serbian | 1440 min

Each week a new leader is selected, who has responsibilities to the whole community and special benefits. He or she also has to give out budgets, which are meant for everyday use. Then the leader is supposed to choose two helpers and a favourite person. In the end of week two contestants will face the eviction. One of them is the helper with most votes received from other contestants and the other a contestant with least public votes throughout that week. On Sunday night two of them will again face public vote, but they will also play a game, which if won can double the percentage the contestant's votes and possibly save him/her from the eviction. The complex includes the 'White House', where the contestants live, hotel, in which the leader a favourite person live, the 'Garden of Eden', where the 'Wise Tree' is placed, a supermarket, pub, casino, beauty parlour and a farm. Across the lake are the fast food restaurant, pawn shop, jail etc.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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