Farm Crime_peliplat
Farm Crime_peliplat
Play trailer

Farm Crime (2018)

None | Canada | English | 85 min
Directed by: Geoff Morrison, Maya Annik Bedward, Kathleen Jayme, Stephanie Joline, Alexandra Lazarowich

Farm Crime is a true crime documentary series investigating unconventional offences in the world of farming and agriculture. Each episode examines a case that wouldn't typically make the front page; instead of tales of murder, assault or violent home invasion, the series explores crimes that take place in the margins - the fields, farms and secretive small towns that dot the countryside. Disappearing truckloads of blueberries. Millions of stolen bees. Herds of rustled cattle. These are farm crimes, and they exact a real toll on largely rural victims who don't always get their due. Farm Crime approaches their stories with respectful curiosity, speaking directly with the people at the centre of the incidents, seeking answers, closure and justice.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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