Mannphodganj Ki Binny_peliplat
Mannphodganj Ki Binny_peliplat
Play trailer

Mannphodganj Ki Binny

None | India | Hindi |
Directed by: Vikas Chandra

Binny Bajpai is a 21-year old, dreamy-eyed girl, from the suburb of Mannphodganj in erstwhile Allahabad, now Prayagraj. Her conventional middle-class parents Brajesh and Kumud are on the lookout for the perfect virtuous boy for her. However, fiery and rebellious Binny is on her own hunt. Her dream boy is a politician's son, Rahul Pandey - her ticket out of Mannphodganj. But all is not rosy for Binny. Blinded by her desire for him, she fails to see through Rahul's pretence. While failure of her first love collides with the many option her parents present, looking from distance is a tongue-tied shy Raja who is unconditionally in love with Binny. Will Binny Bajpai make the right choice?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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