From the Life of a Clownette_peliplat
From the Life of a Clownette_peliplat

From the Life of a Clownette (2016)

None | Germany | German | 4 min
Directed by: Manuel Renken

Augustina loves her work as a "Clownette". Like we all do, when we find a purpose in our Jobs. Even if our Jobs conditions are sometimes odd. She doesn't understand the idiom of the sad Clown. Behind the mask a Clown is still a human being - and humans are not always funny. The idea that the Clown might be sad is frustrating her, because it is far from true. By any means the Clown is merely this: normal. Every of our series Episodes shows a event that happened very similar in Christinas / Augustinas real life.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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