Alyad Palyad_peliplat
Alyad Palyad_peliplat

Alyad Palyad (2024)

UA (IN) | India | Marathi | 129 min
Directed by: Pritam Sk Patil, Ajay Yenare

Blink period has arrived like every year where villagers have to leave their village for three days and settle on bank of the river on the other side of village as spirits roam in the village during this period.Pankya arrives with his two friends Kishya and Chatur while villagers are moving before sunset.next day wile everyone is settled on the river bank three friends take help of Dilyabahu a boat rider and arrive in village to see what exactly happens during this period.While the sun is setting down they come across Nidhi who claims to be daughter of Sarpanch who also wants to find the reason of blink period.But all of them feel she is a ghost and try to escape from her.But they come across Baba and Chelusha who find the actual reason why ghost wander in the village during this period and how Nidhi is connected to it.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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