Myortvye dushi_peliplat
Myortvye dushi_peliplat

Myortvye dushi (2009)

16+ (RU) | Russia | Russian | 90 min
Directed by: Valery Spirin

The young representative of the special forces, Konstantin Lebedev, could hardly even imagine how excessive awareness would turn out for him. He inadvertently looked at a database that contained the names of unwanted high-ranking officials who had disappeared forever. With this he signed his own death sentence. Having learned about the information leak, special agents Shevelev and Mukhin decided to eliminate Lebedev and immediately put their plan into action, without, however, having time to remove his girlfriend Vera. The girl managed to escape for a while, but escaping pursuit was not so easy. During the chase, she crashed into the motorcade of General Shalamov and unwittingly shared her fate with him - to live at gunpoint.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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