The Father Who Stayed_peliplat
The Father Who Stayed_peliplat

The Father Who Stayed (2024)

Unrated (US) | USA | English | 106 min
Directed by: Jeremy Schonfeld

The Father Who Stayed is a moving and captivating feature-length cinematic concert experience comprised of 27 original songs and compositions by celebrated composer Jeremy Schonfeld. By drawing on inspiration from the true story of a single father who tragically lost his teenage daughter, as well of the lives of everyday Americans who continue to share their stories from beyond the grave. TFWS creates its own unique cinematic space to explore themes of life, love, loss, grief and resilience. Part "Our Town", part "Spoon River Anthology" with a bit of "The Last Waltz" thrown in for good measure, The Father Who Stayed is ultimately about the universal experiences that connect us all through the ordinary stories of our lives.

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