Bidean jarraituz_peliplat
Bidean jarraituz_peliplat

Bidean jarraituz (2023)

7 (ES) | Spain | Spanish, Basque | 89 min
Directed by: Aitor López de Aberásturi

Bingen Mendizabal, film music composer, he was commissioned to compose the soundtrack for a documentary on the writer Bernardo Atxaga, "Atxaga: euskaldunen barne (Atxaga: within the Basques)". For some time now, due to the economic crisis of 2008, Bingen had seen that he was hardly working in the film industry, and This new assignment brings him back to his memory and reminds him of his career in film and music from the 1980s to the present day in the Basque Country, The film reviews through different testimonies the artistic maelstrom that took place and all the great names that made their way in the cinematographic and musical world, names that put the Basque Country and its culture on the artistic map of a generation and that served as an example for the following generations. Throughout this review, Bingen Mendizabal reflects on what success really is, following one's own path.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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