King Charles III - Coming of Age_peliplat
King Charles III - Coming of Age_peliplat

King Charles III - Coming of Age (2023)

None | Germany | German |
Directed by: Claire Walding

No British monarch was older on ascending the throne; no heir apparent in the world has waited longer to become king. With the death of Queen Elizabeth II, the call of "Long live the King" rings out again in the United Kingdom after more than 70 years and Prince Charles becomes King Charles III. But who is the man who now sits on the throne of the United Kingdom and 14 other sovereign states? His mother Elizabeth was an unknown quantity when she ascended the throne; not so Charles, who is almost infamous for his high-drama love triangle with Princess Diana and his current consort, Camilla. Over the years, he has been mocked for his commitment to environmental and social issues, his interventions in political matters have often been criticised, while time and again his public appearances seem quite strange. Who is this both charming and odd man, this new head of state? The film looks at those moments in his life that made him the person he is today, from Charles' own perspective: starting from his childhood and education at a strict boarding school where he felt bullied and isolated; his early love life - what drove him, what was expected of him - and why he failed to follow his heart; his engagement with environmental causes and the frustration he felt as his green advocacy fell on deaf ears in the 1970s ... up until the recent publication of Prince Harry's memoir, making charges against him and tarnishing the reputation of the Royal Family.

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Release Date
(TV release)
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
King Charles III - Coming of Age
(Original title)
King Charles III - Coming of Age
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes