Puppy Love_peliplat
Puppy Love_peliplat

Puppy Love (2023)

None | USA | English | 76 min
Directed by: Gail Gilbert

A doggie documentary that explores themes of humanity. Community, love, relationships, conflict and legacy all come into play when a healthy litter of puppies suddenly becomes paralyzed and no one can figure out why. Vets are consulted, but they advise putting the dogs down and getting new ones. The breeder and her friends refuse to go that route and rally together to find a solution. Nothing is off the table as they try Chinese herbs, acupuncture, underwater treadmills and even chicken soup. The journey is long and winding, but it leads to more than just dogs that can walk again. Everyone involved grows in unforeseen ways and finds themselves with richer lives.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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