Estos Muros_peliplat
Estos Muros_peliplat
Play trailer

Estos Muros (2021)

None | Spain | Spanish | 67 min
Directed by: Alberto Pascual Rodríguez

ESTOS MUROS is an investigative documentary, which arises from the chance discovery of a poem written on the ruins of a building near a train track during filmmaker Alberto Pascual's childhood. From this lonely moorland in the Sierra de Madrid, we discover one of the darkest episodes in Spain's history, namely Penalty Redemption through Labour, a legal device that allowed, during the Franco regime, public and private companies to use republican prisoners as forced labour. In the film, we witness the filmmaker's research by delving into archives and libraries, listening to children of reprisal victims, meeting with childhood friends with whom he had played in those ruins, unaware of their origin and meaning, and interviewing experts who have studied the Penalty-Redemption system from their various disciplines. Throughout the research process, we discovered testimonies, publications and photographs, which explain how Penalty Redemption through Labour was used in virtually all economic sectors throughout the country.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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