Lone Wolves Die Alone_peliplat
Lone Wolves Die Alone_peliplat

Lone Wolves Die Alone (2022)

None | USA | English | 15 min
Directed by: Patrick Simpson

Rising star boxer, Jessie, also known as The Wolf, suffers a devastating defeat and loses his championship belt. Jessie's manager and friend schedules a buzz worthy redemption fight, but Jessie hasn't fully recovered from his last defeat. His coach tries to caution him against jumping back in the ring too soon but Jessie's set in his ways. The coach tasks Jessie with the challenge of splitting the heavy bag. Jessie struggles and his coach tries once again to talk some sense into him but Jessie's insecurities causes him to lash out and the two part ways. Jessie, now in the hands of his money hungry manager, trains hard but craves much needed support that his manager can't provide. Conflict comes to a head when Jessie catches his promoter bribing his opponent to take a fall to let Jessie win. He realizes his manager is not his friend and does not believe in him, so he fires him. In his darkest hour in a lonely corner he calls his coach back to show him that he tore the heavy bag. From this, Jessie learns the importance of humility and not taking the easy way out.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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