Sherlock Holmes: The Dancing Men_peliplat
Sherlock Holmes: The Dancing Men_peliplat

Sherlock Holmes: The Dancing Men (2022)

None | UK | English |
Directed by: Millie Pickburn-Perkins

When a world-renowned computer hacker creates a revolutionary code able to crack any digital system, it draws the attention of power-hungry corporations across the globe - and Sherlock Holmes' arch nemesis, Professor Moriarty. When the hacker mysteriously disappears, Holmes and Watson find themselves in a tense race against time to recover not only the hacker, but also the elusive code, before the world is brought to its knees. Their only clue; a single slip of paper containing a most unusual cipher - a sequence of little dancing men.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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