Finally Dawn_peliplat
Finally Dawn_peliplat
Play trailer

Finally Dawn (2023)

18+ (RU) | Italy | English, Italian | 119 min
Directed by: Saverio Costanzo

Rome, 1953. The night after the murder of Wilma Montesi, several people linked to a sword-and-sandal film set in ancient Egypt that is being shot at Cinecittà find themselves sharing important moments: Mimosa, a simple Roman girl, about to marry a man who is liked more by his family than by her, who initially showed up at Cinecittà only to be an extra; Josephine Esperanto, the star of the film, a veteran of classic Hollywood who feels threatened by the new generation of "naturalistic" actors represented by Sean Lockwood, another protagonist of the film; Rufus Priori, an American gallery owner and friend of Josephine's, who will lead the unlikely group on their journey through the night.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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