The Life After Death Project 3: Seance Encounters_peliplat
The Life After Death Project 3: Seance Encounters_peliplat

The Life After Death Project 3: Seance Encounters (2022)

None | USA | English | 86 min
Directed by: Paul Davids

This sequel to THE LIFE AFTER DEATH PROJECT 1 and 2 is a feature documentary that focuses on four days and three nights in which a team of a dozen scientists, psychic mediums, authors and other researchers explore extensive reports of paranormal activity at the former home of sci-fi icon Forrest J Ackerman. The late Rosemary Guiley, author of 61 books on the paranormal, provides major contributions. In the final night at the house (known as the Ackermansion), two mediums (Susanne Wilson and Jamie Clark) conduct a seance organized by Gary Schwartz, Ph.D., author and psychology professor from Harvard, who has studied psychic mediums for two decades at the University of Arizona, Tucson. Significant inexplicable paranormal phenomena occurs. Running time: 87 minutes.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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