
Fotografi (2006)

None | Denmark | Danish | 34 min
Directed by: Steen Møller Rasmussen

What is a good photograph? Through four intense meetings with colleagues from different generations and traditions, Steen Møller Rasmussen seeks answers to the question. Based on common observations in the present, an attempt is made to define both the individual practice and the essence of photography itself. Keld Helmer-Petersen (b. 1920) talks about the subject's mysterious power of fascination and about the good photograph as the result of purposeful work. Per Bak Jensen (b. 1949) talks about how a photograph is always in a certain sense an image of the photographer. Krass Clement (b. 1946) reflects on photography's connection with reality. And Kirsten Klein (b. 1945) shows around Mors while she talks about the many resources that photography can draw from nature. Four meetings, four locations, four seasons, four approaches to good photography.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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