Sealed with a List_peliplat
Sealed with a List_peliplat
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Sealed with a List (2023)

TV-G (US) | USA, Canada | English | 84 min
Directed by: Lucie Guest

Inspired by her best friend, Carley makes a list of New Year's resolutions. Nearly a year later, she still hasn't fulfilled any of them. After all, she's still working at the same job with the hopeless son of the CEO, Wyatt, as her boss. When she realizes she's soon going to meet her friend (who has been in Italy), she wants to tackle all the promises. The first one she fulfills is quitting her job, or rather ensuring she gets fired for something Wyatt caused. When Wyatt visits her to find out why, he soon gets involved in helping Carley fulfill her resolutions in exchange for Carley helping him get his life together.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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