Hotell Paradisets hemlighet_peliplat
Hotell Paradisets hemlighet_peliplat

Hotell Paradisets hemlighet (1931)

15 (SE) | Sweden, Denmark | Swedish | 111 min
Directed by: George Schnéevoigt

Henrik Schultze and his wife see no way out to pay the rent for the inn they run. a ship sinks at night and a lieutenant v Krakow to the inn with a chest of money. they murder him. For half a year, pastor Segerdahl saves them from the court through his testimony. He is in love with Mrs. Schulze and only 15 years later, when she is dead, does he confess to V. Krakow's son. But Schultze's daughters seek to return to the Paradis inn and he himself follows and shoots himself after the house has caught fire.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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