Skrzypce Rotszylda_peliplat
Skrzypce Rotszylda_peliplat

Skrzypce Rotszylda (1988)

None | Poland | Polish | 55 min
Directed by: Ewa Kopaczewska

The year 1907, a small town somewhere in Poland. Jan, a craftsman making coffins, is a violin virtuoso. He uses his talent by performing with a Jewish band at local celebrations. In life, tough and unyielding, strict even towards his weak wife, he easily comes into conflict with the shopkeeper, Reb Moshe, who runs the band, and decides to leave the band. Soon his wife dies, and Jan, who, although Marta never showed her affection during her lifetime, now experiences a heavy loss. The admirer of Jan's talent is the shopkeeper's young relative - Rothschild, who dreams of playing the violin instead of trading, secretly listening to his idol's playing. She persuades Jan to return to the group, because the miller's wedding is getting ready - but he, bitter and in mourning, refuses. Jan dies, but before he dies, he leaves his violin to Rothschild, who amazes everyone with his playing at the wedding.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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