Undone by a touch_peliplat
Undone by a touch_peliplat

Undone by a touch (2018)

None | Japan | Japanese | 82 min
Directed by: Rina Naganuma

Shoko had suffered a loss of taste as a result of not being able to get over her boyfriend's death. Tsukasa, who works at a flower shop, still has an overwhelming sense of loss following his sister's death. He has a secret coping habit which he can't share with anyone. He takes discarded flowers home from his work and keeps them in his room, but they all dry up and remain, dead in the vases. When Shoko sees his vases, she feels she has found someone for the first time who feels like her. She then asks him to go a special place with her. Since ages past, the Japanese have used flowers to honor the deceased. They care for the flowers, and change the water daily. Through these habits, grief blends into daily life, and people can live on. This film depicts the journey of two people trying to overcome the death of someone close being brought together by flowers. It tells the story of their progress through grief, and their holding onto hope.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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