Tanze Tango mit mir_peliplat
Tanze Tango mit mir_peliplat

Tanze Tango mit mir (2021)

0 (DE) | Germany | German | 89 min
Directed by: Filippos Tsitos

After recovering from a heart attack, Frank is discharged from the hospital with the doctor's advice to avoid excessive physical exertion in the future. A tango dance group is rehearsing in the theater where Frank works as a porter. In the seclusion of the porter's lodge, Frank takes his first tango steps and develops an unprecedented fascination for this art of dance. Smiled at by his friends, he hides his new passion from his wife Kathrin and daughter Paula and takes lessons from the tango teacher Maresa, who despite his corpulence is more and more enthusiastic about tango. When Kathrin finds out that Frank is "wasting himself" on dancing tango, regardless of his poor health, putting his family duties on the back burner and ultimately risking his life, Frank has to leave their apartment and temporarily move in with the exhausting mother-in-law Ingrid. Frank will not give up his passion anymore and the family has to choose.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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