Hotel Iris_peliplat
Hotel Iris_peliplat
Play trailer

Hotel Iris (2021)

PG-12 (JP) | Japan, Taiwan | Mandarin, Japanese | 100 min
Directed by: Hiroshi Okuhara

Somewhere on the coast of Taiwan is Hotel Iris, a mouldering seaside establishment run by a cold and thrifty Japanese woman (Nahana) and her lonely half-Taiwanese daughter Mari (Lucia). One night, Mari hears the cries of a woman from the upper floors. Heading up to investigate, she witnesses a distraught woman in a red camisole dress escape an impeccably dressed but violent man (NAGASE Masatoshi) whose cold voice is entrancing. Mari's initial shock turns into a strange fascination which drives her to follow the man to discover more about him. He is a translator who lives on an isolated island one can only reach by boat and rumours swirl around him and recent murders. The closer she gets to the man, the more a hidden layer of Mari's personality awakens as she allows herself to be engulfed by his strange passions.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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