Livet er jo dejligt_peliplat
Livet er jo dejligt_peliplat

Livet er jo dejligt (1962)

None | Denmark | Danish | 100 min
Directed by: Clara Østø

In a shabby waterfront bar in San Francisco a group of alienated loners and colorful characters are looking for love and meaning in their lives. At center stage is Joe - a loafer with money - who encourages each of the bar's patrons in their eccentricities like living a dream as a dancer or being set up with a prostitute. However crass or difficult their lives may look on the outside, Saroyan insists on each individual's inner beauty and knowledge about what is right and good in their search for something to fulfill them. TV adaptation of Saroyan's 1939 Broadway hit.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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