Chlopi 2050, czyli Agronauci w czasach katastrofy klimatycznej (Audioplay)_peliplat
Chlopi 2050, czyli Agronauci w czasach katastrofy klimatycznej (Audioplay)_peliplat

Chlopi 2050, czyli Agronauci w czasach katastrofy klimatycznej (Audioplay) (2020)

None | Poland | Polish | 331 min

The Polish village of 2050. Robots, exoskeletons and drones are just as common as axes and pitchforks. Citrus is grown in huge hangars, every drop of water is worth its weight in gold, and Reymontowskie Lipce was depopulated a long time ago due to drought. The fugitives from southern Europe have farms just behind the fence, you can meet Spaniards and Greeks at the village administrator, and in the church you can hear fiery ecological sermons.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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