Shackleton and Scott: Rivals for the Pole_peliplat
Shackleton and Scott: Rivals for the Pole_peliplat

Shackleton and Scott: Rivals for the Pole (2001)

PG (AU) | Ireland | English | 53 min
Directed by: John Murray, Donnacha O'Briain

Shackleton and Scott were men with a common goal: the South Pole. However, divisions between them grew as jealousy and intrigue intensified their rivalry. The consequence of their polar exploits is as shocking and fascinating now as it was during that closing phase of the age of exploration. This documentary draws upon a wealth of historical knowledge, and investigates the social setting and psychology of these men who dramatically, and fatally, pushed the limits of human endurance. Their amazing individual exploits marked them for greatness, but whose memory and mark on history will survive in the new millennium? Rivals for the Pole seeks to answer this question as well as setting the historical record straight on Shackleton and Scott.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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