Talk to Me - The Incredible Story of Homeless Actor John Gorman_peliplat
Talk to Me - The Incredible Story of Homeless Actor John Gorman_peliplat

Talk to Me - The Incredible Story of Homeless Actor John Gorman (2021)

G (IE) | Ireland | English | 21 min
Directed by: Philip Kidd

44 year old John Gorman has experienced it all. From entering Mountjoy Jail at the age of 18 to serve a ten year sentence, to grinding homelessness on the streets of Dublin, where he was set on fire, urinated on, and physically attacked. John was alone and without hope. But John had the courage to turn his life around. While attending The Knight Run Homeless Outreach he met Kevin Flanagan, volunteer and award winning filmmaker, who offered him a role in the upcoming feature film A Dublin Christmas Carol - a modern version of Dickens' classic set in contemporary Dublin. Not only did John perform in front of the camera for the first time, his performance stole the show.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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