How to Find Love in a Pandemic_peliplat
How to Find Love in a Pandemic_peliplat

How to Find Love in a Pandemic (2021)

None | USA | English | 53 min
Directed by: Emily Blake Anderson, Joe Bridgwood

Joe Bridgwood plays Eric Tyler, a young man who is concerned about his girlfriend, Molly William's, (Emily Blake Anderson) commitment to him while they are away from each other in quarantine. During one of their online chats, Eric notices another man come into view causing his fears to become reality. A fight ensues, leading both Eric and Molly to an ugly break up. Newly single, and living in times of a pandemic, each seek advice from their close friends. Soon after, Eric and Molly enter into the world of the online dating scene and try to navigate through the sea of people they meet in the hopes to find love.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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