Cobalt Blue_peliplat
Cobalt Blue_peliplat
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Cobalt Blue (2022)

TV-MA (US) | India | Hindi, English | 112 min
Directed by: Sachin Kundalkar

Set in 1991, Tanay, a college student with dreams of becoming a writer, and his sister Anjura, a free-spirited young woman, both fall in love with the new seductive tenant that arrives at their home, setting off a steamy love triangle of forbidden love that defies their traditional indian family. Written as a novel and adapted for the screen by writer-director Sachin Kundalkar, this Indian melodrama weaves beautiful shots and an episodic narrative, delivering a cinematic gem that will leave you yearning for love.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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