Sans frontières_peliplat
Sans frontières_peliplat

Sans frontières (2020)

None | France | French |
Directed by: Arnaud Devroute, Maxence Lamoureux

From Estonia to Ethiopia, crossing through Ukraine, Turkey and Israel, this film is a remarkable journey on the trail of a young ash crane across 6000 kilometers till its winter resting site. With the help of a GPS tag affixed on the bird, the scientists will trace its behavior and its choices along the way. A rare chance to verify and validate a unique scientific theory. While the bird will fly over any constraints regarding its needs, we as humans, will ride the same path - on earth. About ten borders to cross, among political turmoils or war zones. With also as many cultures revering the greatest migratory bird of the European continent often seen as a symbol of liberty and peace.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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